DIY Miracle Beach Babe Curl Cream
Updated: Nov 22, 2020
If i'm being honest.... I created this curl cream, by accident. It was when I was making DIY hair detangler, when I came up with the idea of experimenting... & adding an ingredient.
WHEN I WOKE UP WITH A HEAD FULL OF SPIRAL CURLS, I knew i was onto something. If its possible to get a head full of curls, with ZERO effort, then every girl should know about it!!!
*2 Tsp of Conditioner
*2 Tsp of Olive Oil
*6 Tsp of Warm Water
*2 Tsp got2b's "Be Twisted" Cream
(*You can substitute the Be Twisted cream with another curl cream, or hair gel. But to get the best results, use B Twisted!)
1. Use a generous amount of product, & rub between your hands... before smoothing it through your damp/wet hair, to ensure its distributed evenly.
2. Braid hair into piggy tail braids. Keep a loose hold near the scalp, + tighter hold as you get to the braid. Apply more cream to the finished braids.
3. Leave the braids in overnight to get the best results, but for a faster style you can blow-dry the braids.
4. Take out your braids, + separate the curls by running your fingers through your hair, till you get the desired look. Scrunch curls with your leftover product. (*For added volume spray dry shampoo throughout hair, & extra focus on the roots!)
Below you will find my before & after photos, to demonstrate how well this worked for me. In the past I have paid $25 for a bottle of curl cream, that had results not even comparable to these. So why not save the $, & create your own curl cream with a few ingredients you already have laying around the house... & get amazing results.?!
